Elder Dice: The Shards of Illumination
We are excited to announce the coming of the next Elder Dice Kickstarter and show off a new series of Mythic Elder Dice. What does Mythic mean? We mean, this set has some major upgrades over the ones we've produced in years past. The Mythic Elder dice will come in upgrade grimoire boxes and will include an extra twenty-sided die in each box. The campaign is live right now! Don't miss out.
UPDATE - The Kickstarter is now over. Read more here. There's a limited amount of time to become a late backer.
The Crest of Dagon
Highlight Below for solution
The Seer's Eye
The Seer's Eye is a symbol associated with a small sect of seers and practitioners of Norse magic during the viking age. Their powers are rumored to come from an Elder God who walked among them as a giantess.
The Crown of the Night Mother