Retailer Information

Greetings retailers! Here, you will find all the information you need about carrying Infinite Black products. If there is something that you need that is not here, please let us know, and we will get you the information you need.

Does Infinite Black sell directly to retail stores?

Yes, if you can't find Infinite Black products with your preferred distributor, we can sell to verified retailers directly, especially if you are in the United States or Canada. Drop us an email at and ask us how to get Infinite Black products in your store.

Are Infinite Black's products available through distribution?

Yes, we're currently distributed in the USA by GTS and IDPR, in Canada by Universal, and in the UK/EU by BNW.

Does Infinite Black have sell sheets for its products?

Yes, indeed. We put sell sheets for all the Infinite Black products in a public dropbox folder. You can also browse the website to see available products right here.

Does Infinite Black offer net 30 or net 60 terms?

We typically operate on a cash basis. Let us know what you want, and we will send you an invoice. When it is paid, we will send out the products.

Does Infinite Black have a minimum order?

When selling directly to verified retailers, we can have no minimums. Let us know how many of each item you need for your store.

What is Infinite Black's return policy?

We consider sales to be final, but we want to be certain that the products you receive are complete and undamaged. If, for any reason, you receive any incomplete, defective, or damaged products in your shipments, please let us know at, and we will be happy to work with you to make everything right.

Does Infinite Black have a Standard Manufacturer's Code (SMC)?

Yes. It is INB.

Is there an Infinite Black retailer mailing list?

Yes, there is. You can sign up right here. We will let you know about any new developments especially when new products are available through pre-order. 

We also have the general monthly newsletter email list right here. You might want to sign up for it as well.